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Author Jupyter Notebooks on Your Machine

Downloading Your Project Files

First, if you want to author your jupyter notebooks on your local machine, you need to clone the files.

To do this:

  1. First click advanced on your course or guided project:

GP or Course Click Advanced Screenshot

  1. Then click: Open GitLab Project:

Open Gitlab Project Screenshot

  1. And clone using HTTPS or SSH:

Gitlab Clone Options Screenshot

  1. And clone using git with your command line in your preferred directory:
git clone\<Your GP or Course Title\>

Editing using a local installation of JupyterLab:


1. Install skillsnetwork-jupyter-extension

On the Extension Marketplace of JupyterLab, search and install skillsnetwork-jupyter-extension

Or, execute pip install skillsnetwork-jupyter-extension on your terminal.

2. Restart JupyterLab

Restart JupyterLab on your computer by executing on your terminal: jupyter lab

3. Copy your Lab Token

On Author Workbench, copy the lab token located on the Edit Notebook window of your lab.

Copy Lab Token Screenshot

4. Edit Lab Instructions

Under the Skills Network tab on JupyterLab select Edit a lab. Then, paste the copied token and start editing your lab's instructions!

Skills Network Menu Screenshot

5. Publish

Once you are done, click Publish to publish your lab's instructions.

Publish Screenshot