Yaroslav Vyklyuk
Full Professor, Doctor of Computer Science, PhD
Machine Learning
Data Science
Artificial Intelligence
Data Analysis

Dr. Yaroslav Vyklyuk is a full professor at the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems. He is an author of over 210 scientific works, 10 monographs, and books, a member of the Editorial Board of 6 international scientific journals, member of the Academic Councils on protection Ph.D. and DrSc thesis in "Mathematical modeling and computational methods". Research Interests: Data Science, Applied System Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, and Decision Making of Complex Dynamic Systems (socio-economic, geographical, tourist, and crisis systems) using Artificial Intelligence Technology, DataMining, Big Data, Parallel Calculations, Statistics, Econometrics, Econophysics and other Advanced Mathematical Methods with implementation into information, WEB, and geographic information systems.

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