Sergii Kavun
Dr.Sc., Ph.D., Developer, DL/ML/DS
Machine Learning
Data Science
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning

Data Science, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Information Security and Intelligence Control, Economic Security Modelling, Machine Learning / Deep Learning Modelling (Optimization), Architecture Design. Experienced in the full set of aspects of the ML & DL lifecycle: concept (architecture design, PoC) & preparing datasets, training NN & hyperparameters optimization, deployment (MVP). Successfully managed projects and developers' teams. Focused on solving complex problems (issues) and their decomposition, and developing solutions from scratch to the SOTA level. 390+ (3 patents; 26 textbooks; 40+ monographs; 125+ manuscripts; 85+ conference publications). Memberships: WorkGroup 11.1, Information Security Management, International Federation for Information Processing, IFIP, 03.2019-; Association for Computing Machinery, ACM, 03.2019-; American Association for Science and Technology, AASCIT, 03.2014-.

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